Elementary History of the United States by  Gordy, Wilbur F.

Table of Contents

The Discovery of America
The Spaniards in the New World
The English in the New World
Early Colonial Days in Virginia and Maryland
Early Colonial Days in New England
Life in New England in Early Colonial Days
Early Colonial Days in New York and New Jersey
Early Colonial Days in Pennsylvania and Delaware
Early Colonial Days in the Carolinas and Georgia
The Indians
The French in North America
The First Three Intercolonial Wars
The Last French War
How England Brought on the Revolution
The Revolution in New England
The Struggle for Control of the Hudson River
The Struggle for Control of the Hudson River—II
Victories in the North-west and on the Sea
The War in the South
Years of Trial and Danger
Early Days of the Republic
The Mississippi Valley
The War of 1812
Westward Migration
The North and the South
New Territory and New Inventions
Slavery and Abolition
The Outbreak of the Civil War
The Blockade and War on the Sea
The Opening of the Mississippi River
The War in the East
The Last Year of the War
The New South
The New West
The New Union

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