The Wonder Book of Chemistry by  Jean Henri Fabre

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The Wonder Book of Chemistry
by Jean Henri Fabre
Starting with a mixture of iron filings and sulphur, Uncle Paul awakens in his young nephews an eagerness to learn more about the properties of the elements. Through a series of carefully-devised experiments and conversations about the experiments, he leads the boys to an understanding of some of the basic principles of chemistry. Excellent as a follow-on to 'The Story Book of Science' and 'The Secret of Everyday Things' by the same author.  Ages 11-15
379 pages $16.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Mixing and Combining
The Slice of Toast
Simple Substances
Compound Substances
Experiments with the Breath
Experiments with Air
Further Experiments with Air
The Two Sparrows
Burning Phosphorus
Burning Metals
A Talk on Tools
Air and Combustion
At the Blacksmith's
A Drop of Water
A Piece of Chalk
Carbonic-Acid Gas
Different Kinds of Water
Plants at Work
Nitrogen Compounds

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