A First Book in American History by  Edward Eggleston


Andrew Jackson
Bacon and His Men
Boyhood of Franklin
Captain Church in Philip's War
Captain John Smith
Captain Myles Standish
Columbus after the Discovery of America
Daniel Boone
Early Life of Abraham Lincoln
The Early Life of Columbus
Franklin, the Printer
The Great Doctor Franklin
Henry Hudson
How Columbus Discovered America
How the Telegraph Became Successful
How the Unted States Became Larger
John Cabot and His Son Sebastian
King Philip
Lincoln in Public Life
More about Captain John Smith
Morse and the Telegraph
Myles Standish and the Indians
Robert Fulton and the Steamboat
Something about the Civil War
Something about the Spanish War
The Story of Pocahontas
Thomas Jefferson
The Victory at Yorktown and Washington as President
Washington in the French War
Washington in the Revolution
William Henry Harrison
William Penn
Young George Washington

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