Our Little Roman Cousin of Long Ago by  Julia Darrow Cowles

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Our Little Roman Cousin of Long Ago
by Julia Darrow Cowles
Through the story of Marcus and his growth to manhood in the closing days of the Roman Republic, we discover much about life and customs in ancient Rome. We accompany Marcus as he learns his lessons in school, joins his father on a trip to the Senate, pays a visit to his father's farm, and watches the triumph of a victorious general. The crowning moment comes when Marcus assumes the toga, the mark of a Roman citizen.  Ages 8-10
84 pages $10.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Going to School
Marcus' Home
At Dinner
The Vestal Offering
A Roman Girl
The Funeral Procession
The Gift of a Book
In the Senate
On the Farm
The Return to Rome
On the Appian Way
Marcus Enters Grammar School
The Festival of Violets
Marcus, the Torch-Bearer
The Chariot Race
The Victorious General
Marcus, the Man

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