Our Little Athenian Cousin of Long Ago by  Julia Darrow Cowles

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Our Little Athenian Cousin of Long Ago
by Julia Darrow Cowles
Vivid portrayal of the civic and home life of children in Athens during the reign of Pericles, when the art and architecture of ancient Greece were at their height. Through the eyes of Duris, son of the architect Phorion, and Hiero, son of the sculptor Hermippos, we experience the Greek culture of the times as we accompany them on their journey from home to market-place, wonder at the Acropolis, visit schools and studios, observe festivals, and participate in the Olympic games.  Ages 8-10
91 pages $10.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Guest-Friend
In the Market-Place
The Acropolis
Preparing for the Festival
At School
The Wrestling School
The Festival
The Great Procession
Hiero's Uncle Is Ill
Festival of the Bear
The New Slave
Preparing To Be Soldiers
A Story in the Studio
Duris Leaves Athens
The Beginning of War
Hiero the Victor

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