Handbook of Nature Study: Birds by  Anna Botsford Comstock

Table of Contents

Bird Study
Feathers as Clothing
Feathers as Ornament
How Birds Fly
Eyes and Ears of Birds
The Form and Use of Beaks
The Feet of Birds
Chicken Ways
The Canary and the Goldfinch
The Robin
The Bluebird
The White-breasted Nuthatch
The Chickadee
The Downy Woodpecker
The Sapsucker
The Red-headed Woodpecker
The Flicker or Yellow-hammer
The Meadow-lark
The English Sparrow
The Chipping Sparrow
The Song Sparrow
The Mockingbird
The Catbird
The Belted Kingfisher
The Screech Owl
The Red Shouldered and Red Tailed Hawks
The Swallows and the Chimney Swift
The Hummingbird
The Red-winged Blackbird
The Baltimore Oriole
The Crow
The Cardinal Grosbeak
The Turkey
The Study of Birds' Nests in Winter

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