The Girl Who Sat by the Ashes by  Padraic Colum

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Coming of Crow-feather-Cloak
Fruit for the King's Son
Girl-go-with-the-Goats Loses House Room
The Girl in the Goat-shed
Fire for the King's Son
Crow-feather-Cloak Again
Through the Three Woods and to the King's Castle
Water for the King's Son
What the Geese Talked Of
The King's Son Goes Seeking
How Maid-alone Ceased Being a Goose-herd
The Girl Who Sat by the Ashes
The Ball in the King's Castle
The Matchless Maiden Loses Her Golden Slipper
The Wisest Woman Comes to the King's Castle
The Clock Strikes and Maid-alone Stays

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