The Youth Jason King Pelias The Golden Fleece The Assembling of the Heroes The Argo The Beginning of Things Polydeuces' Victory and Heracles' Loss King Phineus King Phineus's Counsel; the Landing in Lemnos The Lemnian Maidens Demeter and Persephone Atalanta's Race The Departure from Lemnos The Golden Maid The Passage of the Symplagades The Mountain Caucasus Prometheus
King Aeetes Medea the Sorceress The Winning of the Golden Fleece The Slaying of Apsyrtus Medea Comes to Circe In the Land of the Phaeacians They Come to the Desert Land The Carrying of the Argo The Story of Perseus Near to Iolcus Again
Atalanta the Huntress Peleus and His Bride from the Sea Theseus and the Minotaur The Life and Labors of Heracles The Battle of the Frogs and Mice Admetus How Orpheus the Minstrel Went Down Jason and Medea