The Story of the Persian War by  Alfred J. Church

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The Story of the Persian War
by Alfred J. Church
Stirring account of the Greeks' encounters with the Persians in the 5th century B.C., including the battle of Marathon, the defense of Thermopylae, and the battle of Salamis, all retold from the history of Herodotus. Illustrations from sculptures and vases accompany the text.  Ages 12-15
211 pages $12.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Back Matter

Of the Revolt of Miletus
Of the Taking of Miletus
Of the First War against Greece
Of the Battle of Marathon
Of the Sons of Alcmaeon and the End of Miltiades
How Preparation Was Made for the Second War
Of the Setting Forth of Xerxes
Of the March of Xerxes
How Xerxes Crossed Over into Europe
Of the March of Xerxes
Of the Preparations of the Greeks
Of the Army and the Ships of Xerxes
Of the Battle of Thermopylae
Of the Battle of Thermopylae (continued)
Of the Ships of the Greeks at Artemesium
Of the Departure of the Greeks from Artemesium
Of the Greeks at Salamis and of the City of Athens
Of the Battle of Salamis
Of the Flight of Xerxes
Of the Preparing of the Persians and of the Greeks
Of the Battle of Plataea
Of the Battle at Mycale

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