The Hammer by  Alfred J. Church

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Back Matter

A New Order of Things
At Antioch
The Wrath To Come
The Evil Days
The Darkness Thickens
Shallum the Wine-Seller
The Persecution
In the Mountains
New Bad and Good
The Patriot Army
Guerilla Warfare in the Mountains
The Burial of Mattathias
The Sword of Apollonius
News from the Battle-Field
The Battle of Emmaus
The Battle of Beth-zur
In Jerusalem
The Cleansing of the Temple
The Dedication of the Temple
Wars and Rumours of Wars
More Victories
The Sabbatical Year
Light out of Darkness
A Peaceful Interval
Hopes and Fears
Civil War
The Falling Away
The Last Battle
The Hope of Israel

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