Stories of Charlemagne by  Alfred J. Church

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Slaying of Lothair
How the Duke Benes Came by His End
How it Fared with the Brethren
The Coming of Roland
Of the Treachery of King John
Of the Craft of Mawgis
More Deeds of Mawgis
How Mawgis Became a Hermit
Of What Befell at Montalban
How Peace Was Made
Of Reynaud's End
How Ralph Entertained the King
How Ralph Went to Court
How Fierabras Defied King Charles
How Oliver Fought With Fierabras
How Oliver and Others Were Taken
How Oliver and His Comrades Fared
Of the Bridge of Mantryble
Of the Doings of Floripas
Of the Doings of the French Knights
Of Guy of Burgundy
Of Richard of Normandy
How the Bridge Mantryble Was Won
Of the End of Balan the Admiral
How Ganelon Went on an Errand to King Marsilas
The Treason of Ganelon
Of the Plot Against Roland
How the Heathen and the French Prepared for Battle
The Battle
How Roland Sounded His Horn
How Oliver Was Slain
How Archbishop Turpin Died
The Death of Roland
How Charlemagne Sought Vengeance
Of the Punishment of Ganelon
How King Charles Sent Huon on an Errand
How Huon Met With King Oberon
Of the End of the False Duke Macaire
How Huon, Having Slain a Giant Came to Babylon
How Huon Returned, His Errand Fulfilled

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