Lost in the Jungle by  Paul du Chaillu

Table of Contents

Front Matter

On the Rembo River
Hunting for Manga
Into the Forest
A Deserted Village
Mr. and Mrs. Gorilla
Monkeys and their Bird Friends
A Beautiful Antelope
A Gorilla Family
Baby Gorilla takes Revenge
A Crabbing Expedition
Jungle Spiders
Charged by a Rogue Elephant
The "Leopard of the Air"
A Killer Gorilla
A Heathen Funeral
Return to the Sea-Shore
A Death Panic in Goumbi
Ilogo, the Moon Spirit
Death of Querlaouen
Journey to Ashira
Arrival in Ashira Land
King Olenda
Balls and Beer-Houses
Adventures on a Mountain Trek
Lost in the Jungle
A Dangerous Bridge Crossing
Toils Enroute to Apingi
Arrival in Apingi Land
Adventures in Puny Canoes
I am Made King

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