Stories from Plato and Other Classic Writers by  Mary E. Burt

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Stories from Plato and Other Classic Writers
by Mary E. Burt
Twenty-seven stories adapted for young children from selections of works of classic writers of the ancient world. The stories were chosen by the author for their inspirational value, either 'because they contained fine moral points, or else because they were poetic statements of natural phenomena which might enhance the study of natural science.' Writers represented in the collection include Plato, Homer, Hesiod, Aristophanes, Pliny, and Ovid.  Ages 6-9
122 pages $10.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

A Dream That Came True
The Goodness That Is Within
For the Little Boy Who Will Not Say "Please"
The Gift of the Muses
Why the Quarrelsome Men Were Locked Out
Memory and Her Beautiful Daughters
A Cloud and a Fountain
The Gift of Poesy
The Pocket of Good and Bad Deeds
A Butterfly Story
The Mountain That Loved a White Wave
The Old Man Who Lived at the Bottom of the Sea
What Happened When the Sun Forgot To Behave Well
A Tale with Two Heroes
How a Little Hero Conquered a Large One
An Old Story from Tadpole-Land
A Story of the Setting Sun
Why the Swan Loves the Water
How Coronis Became a Crow
The Evil That Came of Not Loving Nature
Rocks, Waves, and Sunshine
Do unto Trees as You Would Have Them Do unto You
The Cranes of Ibycus
The Piper Who Pipes on Seven Reeds
What Plato Said about the Sphere
Atlantis, the Lost Island
Prince Red Cap

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