Stories to Tell to Children by  Sara Cone Bryant

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Two Little Riddles in Rhyme
The Little Pink Rose
The Cock-a-doo-dle-doo
The Cloud
The Little Red Hen
The Gingerbread Man
The Little Jackals and the Lion
The Country Mouse and the City Mouse
Little Jack Rollaround
How Brother Rabbit Fooled the Whale and Elephant
The Little Half-Chick
The Lambikin
The Blackberry-bush
The Fairies
The Adventures of the Little Field Mouse
Another Little Red Hen
The Story of the Little Rid Hin
The Story of Epaminodas and his Auntie
The Boy who Cried "Wolf!"
The Frog King
The Sun and the Wind
The Little Jackal and the Alligator
The Larks in the Cornfield
A True Story about a Girl
My Kingdom
The Little Fir Tree
How Moses was Saved
The Ten Fairies
The Elves and the Shoemaker
Who Killed the Otter's Babies?
The Brahmin, the Tiger, and the Jackal
The Little Jackal and the Camel
The Gulls of Salt Lake
The Nightingale
Margery's Garden
The Little Cotyledons
The Talkative Tortoise
Robert of Sicily
The Jealous Courtiers
Prince Cherry
The Gold in the Orchard
Margaret of New Orleans
The Dagda's Harp
The Tailor and the Three Beasts
The Castle of Fortune
David and Goliath
The Shepherd's Song
The Hidden Servants

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