A Child's History of Spain by  John Bonner

Table of Contents

Front Matter

From the Beginning
The Goths in Spain
The Moorish Conquest
Who were the Moors?
The Conquest
Abderrahman the First
Abderrahman's Successors
Flora and Mary
Abderrahman the Third
The Great Vizier
The Christians of Northern Spain
The Cid Campaedor
The Battle of Las Navas
Castile and Aragon
The Moors at Granada
Zahara and Alhama
Border Warfare
The Fall of Malaga
The Fall of Granada
The Last of the Moors
The Condition of Spain
The Discovery of America
The Second Voyage
The Death of Columbus
The End of Ferdinand and Isabella
Charles the First
Hernando Cortez
In the City of Mexico
Cortez Driven Out of Mexico
The Conquest of Mexico
The Conquest of Peru
Philip the Second
The Duke of Alva
Don John of Austria
The Knights of Malta
The Moriscoes
Spain Under Philip the Second
Two More Philips
Charles the Second
Philip the Fifth
Ferdinand the Sixth
Charles the Third
The Prince of the Peace
The Old King and the New One
King Joseph
The French in Spain
Ferdinand the Seventh
The Spanish-American Colonies
The Woman from Naples
Spain in Our Day

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