Overheard in Fairyland by  Madge A. Bigham

Table of Contents

The Best Fairy of All
Origin of Toadstool
Why Poppies Make You Sleep
Why Apples Have Stars Within
Origin of the Tiger Lily, Snapdragon, Elephant-Ear
Why the Persimmon Tree Has Its Fruit in Three Colo
Flower Pixies
Why the Leaves Shake
The Origin of Pussy Willows
Why Violets Have Golden Hearts
Origin of the Brown-Eyed Susans
Why the Sweet Laburnum Comes First in Spring
Origin of Evening- and Morning-Glories
Why Petunias Are Sticky
Why Chestnuts Are in Prison
Why the Ivy Is Always Green
Why Roses Have Thorns
Why Dandelions Have Wings
Why Heart-Shaped Leaves Have Pitchers
Why the Hyacinth Has Bells
Origin of Poplar Blossoms and Hazel Tassels
Why Pine Trees Have Needles
Why the Sunflowers Hang Their Heads
Why Flowers Have Bright Colours
Why Nasturtiums Have Lines

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