The Story of Japan by  Robert Van Bergen

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Back Matter

Jimmu, First Emperor of Japan
Story of Yamato Dake
Prince Bravest's Conquests
First Invasion of Korea
Buddhism brought to Japan
The Oldest Clans of Japan
Minamoto defeats Taira
Story of "Young Ox"
The Last of the Minamoto
An Independent Tenno
Christianity in Japan
A Great General
The Lord of the Golden Water Gourds
The Second Invasion of Korea
The Three Hollyhock Leaves
The Dutch in Japan
Persecutions of the Christians
Restrictions of the Dutch
A Visit to the Regent
A Shrewd Judge
Tosa's Revenge
A Wife's Noble Act
The Forty-seven Ronin
The Forty-seven Ronin (continued)
The Forty-seven Ronin (concluded)
Various Attempts to Trade with Japan
A Russian Captive
English Attempts to Trade with Japan
United States seeks Trade with Japan
How Perry Secured a Treaty
Japan in Perry's Time
Japan Opened
The Tokugawa Regents Step Out
How a Samurai Committed Hara-kiri
The Tenno Leaves his Seclusion
Saigo Takamori
Japan's Progress
War with China
Mutsuhito, Emperor of Japan

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