Stories from the History of Rome by  Emily Beesly

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Stories from the History of Rome
by Emily Beesly
Stories from the history of Rome for the youngest children, selected with a view to illustrating the two sentiments most characteristic of Roman life: duty to parents and duty to country.  Ages 8-10
122 pages $10.95   

Table of Contents

About This Text

Front Matter

The Building of Rome
The Horatii and the Curiatii
Brutus and His Sons
How Lars Porsenna Besieged Rome
Caius Marcius and His Mother
The Deeds of the Fabii
The Battle of Corbio
How the Romans Won Two Cities
The Taking of Rome
The Gulf in the Forum
The Story of Titus Manlius
The Death of Decius
The Caudine Forks
The Two Fabii
How Pyrrhus Fought against Rome

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