For the Children's Hour by  Carolyn S. Bailey


The Ant and the Dove
The Ant and the Grasshopper
The Anxious Leaf
Apple-Seed John
Baa, Baa Black Sheep
The Baby Queen
Big Brother's Valentine
The Big Red Apple
The Brave Tin Soldier
The Calico's Story
The Candles
The Cat and the Mouse
Chicken Little
The Christmas Story
The Coming of the King
The Cricket and the Poet
The Crow and the Fox
The Crow and the Pitcher
Cupid and Psyche
Daffy Down Dilly
The Daisy
The Dandelion
Do What You Can
The Dog and His Shadow
Eavesdropper, the Ugly Dwarf
The Elder Brother
The Elves and the Shoemaker
The Fairy Who Came to Our House
The Flax
The Gingerbread Boy
The Gingerbread Man
Goldenrod and Aster
The Good Shepherd
The Gourd and the Pine Tree
Grandfather's Penny
Grandmother's Curtains
A Great Surprise
Hans and the Wonderful Flower
Herr Oster Hare
The House That Jack Built
The House in the Wood
How Cedric Became a Knight
How We First Came to Have Umbrellas
How the Apple Blossom Came Back
How the Fir Tree Became the Christmas Tree
How the Home Was Built
How the Robin's Breast Became Red
Latona and the Rustics
The Legend of St. Christopher
The Legend of the Arbutus
The Legend of the Christmas Tree
The Legend of the Dandelion
The Legend of the Dipper
The Legend of the Woodpecker
Little Bo Peep
The Little Brown Bowl
Little Cosette
The Little Field Mice
The Little Girl Who Would Not Work
The Little Gray Grandmother
Little Half Chick
Little King Brogan
A Little Lad of Long Ago
Little Miss Muffett
Little Nancy Etticoat
The Little Pine Tree Who Wished for New Leaves
The Little Red Hen
Little Sunshine
The Living Alarm Clock
The Long Procession
Making the Best of It
The Mince Pie
Mother Spider
Mrs. Santa Claus
The New Red Dress
The Oak Tree and the Linden
The Old Street Lamp
The Old Woman and Her Pig
The Oriole's Journey
Peter, Paul, and Espen
The Pine Tree
Pippa Passes
The Rich Goose
The Robin
The Seed Babies' Blanket
Selling Timothy Titus
The Sheep and the Pig
Silvercap, King of the Frost Fairies
The Sleeping Princess
Smiling Girls and Rosy Boys
The Snowdrop
The Snowflake and the Leaf
The Snowman
The Spindle, Needle, and Shuttle
St. George and the Dragon
The Stolen Corn
The Stone Baby
The Stone Cutter
The Stone in the Road
The Story of Arachne
The Story of Clytie
The Story of Nehemiah
The Story of Persephone
The Story of Phaeton
The Story of Ruth and Naomi
The Story of Theseus
The Story of the First Corn
Stuart's Valentine
The Sun's Sisters
The Tale of the Littlest Mouse
The Three Bears
The Three Little Pigs
Tiny Tim
Tom, the Water Baby
The Tomato Story
The Tongue-Cut Sparrow
The Top and the Ball
The Travels of a Fox
Two Little Cooks
The Ugly Duckling
Up in a Green Orchard
The Village Blacksmith
What Broke the China Pitcher
What Kept the New Chimney Waiting
Who Ate the Dolly's Dinner?
Who Likes the Rain?
Why the Bean Wears a Stripe Down Its Back
The Wind and the Sun
The Windmill
The Wonderful Porridge Pot

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