Firelight Stories by  Carolyn Sherwin Bailey

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Teeny, Tiny Lady
The Odd Company
The Wee, Wee Man
Munacher and Manacher
The Hobyahs
Mr. and Mrs. Vinegar
The Story of Ibbity
The Story of the Kid Who Would Not Go
The Cat and the Mouse
The Greedy Cat
Chicken Little
Master Chanticleer and Dame Hen
How Drakestail Went to the King
The Story of Lambikin
How They Brought Hairlock Home
Johnny Cake
The Three Bears
The Wonderful Pot
The Little Girl Who Wanted the Stars
The Little Boy Who Found His Fortune
The Little Old Woman Who Went to the North Wind
How the Pigs Can See the Wind
Little Footsteps Upon the Water
Mr. Elephant and Mr. Frog
Brother Wolf and the Rock
Why the Bear Sleeps All Winter
Little Bear
Little Bee Trunkhosie
The Gold Bugs
The Man of Gotham and the Cheeses
The Discontented Coffee Pot
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
Why the Bear Has a Stumpy Tail
How the Fox Played Herdsman
Why the Field Mouse Is Little
How They Came in the First Place
How Nutcracker Ran Away
How Sugardolly Ran Away
How Sugardolly Became Queen of the Dwarfs
The Adventures of Nutcracker
How Sugardolly Found Nutcracker
What Happened to Nutcracker and Sugardolly

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