Boys and Girls of Colonial Days by  Carolyn Sherwin Bailey

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Boys and Girls of Colonial Days
by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
An engaging collection of stories for the younger child, introducing him to activities and occupations of boys and girls in the colonial era. Focuses on children who responded with courage and resourcefulness when faced with unexpected circumstances and whose efforts played a key role in the safeguarding of their families and their communities. Famous personages of the time, including Benjamin Franklin and George Washington, figure in several of the stories. Dozens of detailed black and white illustrations complement the text.  Ages 7-9
140 pages $10.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

The Pink Tulip
Big Hawk's Decoration
The Soap Making of Remember Biddle
The Beacon Tree
The Jack-O'-Lantern Witch
The Iron Stove
A Boston Tea Party
The Deacon's Grasshopper
Patience Arnold's Sampler
The Star Lady
The Flag of Their Regiment
The Boy Who Had Never Seen an Indian
Dick, the Youngest Soldier
Betsy's Guest

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