The Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children by  Jane Andrews

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The Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children
by Jane Andrews
Mother Nature unfolds some of her most precious secrets. She tells about amber, about the dragon-fly and its wonderful history, about water-lilies, how the Indian corn grows, what odd doings the Frost Giants engage in, about coral, and starfish, and coal mines, and many other things in which children take delight.  Ages 7-10
90 pages $9.95   

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Back Matter

The Story of the Amber Beads
The New Life
The Talk of the Trees That Stand in the Streets
How the Indian Corn Grows
The Carrying Trade
The Frost Giants
How Quercus Alba Went To Explore the Underworld
A Peep into One of God's Storehouses
The Hidden Light
Sixty-two Little Tadpoles
Golden-Rod and Asters

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