Wonder Stories Told for Children by  Hans Christian Andersen

Table of Contents

The Court Cards
The Dryad
The Ugly Duckling
The Nis at the Grocer's
The Fir-Tree
The Money-Pig
The Swineherd
Jack the Dullard
The Lovers
The Swiftest Runners
The Travelling Companion
The Marsh-King's Daughter
Old Shut-Eye
The Bell's Hollow
The Wicked Prince
The Snow-Queen
Pen and Inkstand
Little Claus and Big Claus
The Girl Who Trod upon Bread
The Emperor's New Clothes
The Little Sea-maid
The Farm-yard Cock and the Weather-cock
The Elfin Mound
Soup Made of a Sausage-stick
The Wild Swans
The Beetle
The Galoshes of Fortune
Twelve by the Mail
The Garden of Paradise
The Constant Tin Soldier
Sunshine Stories
The Stone of the Wise Men
The Daisy
The Snow Man
The Nightingale
The Silver Shilling
The Naughty Boy
The Toad
The Storks
The Nis and the Dame
The Neighboring Families
The Darning-needle
The Happy Family
The Summer-gowk
The Old House
In the Duck-yard
In the Nursery
The Flax
The Shadow
The Red Shoes
The Snail and the Rose-tree
Little Ida's Flowers
The False Collar
The Leap-frog
The Angel
The Flying Trunk
The Tinder-box
The Buckwheat
The Bell

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