Andersen's Fairy Tales by  Alice Lucas

Table of Contents

The Mermaid
Hans Clodhopper
The Flying Trunk
The Rose Elf
The Wild Swans
The Elf-Hill
The Real Princess
A Picture from the Ramparts
The Red Shoes
The Goblin and the Huckster
The Bottle Neck
The Steadfast Tin Soldier
The Angel
The Girl Who Trod on a Loaf
The Nightingale
The Storks
The Little Match Girl
Great Claus and Little Claus
The Garden of Paradise
Little Tuk
The Wind's Tale
The Snow Queen
A Rose from Homer's Grave
The Emperor's New Clothes
The Naughty Boy
Holger the Dane
What the Moon Saw
The Tinder Box
The Story of a Mother
The Marsh King's Daughter
The Goloshes of Fortune
The Bronze Boar
The Bell
Olé Luköié, the Dustman
The Swineherd
The Travelling Companions
The Ugly Duckling

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