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In the days of King John, the English had their hands full with only one king to manage, but a time came in Scotland when there were thirteen people who claimed the throne. Finally it was clear that two of them had stronger claims than the other eleven. They were John Ba'li-ol and Robert Bruce. So far the way was plain; but Baliol was the grandson of the eldest daughter of a certain royal David, and Bruce was a son of the second daughter of this same David, and it would have puzzled the wisest philosopher to say whose claim was the better. People in Scotland felt so decidedly about the matter, some in favor of Baliol and some in favor of Bruce, that there was danger of civil war. "King Edward of England is a wise king. Let us leave the question to him," said the Scotch parliament, and it was done. This was a fine chance for King Edward. He declared at once that neither Baliol nor Bruce, but he himself had the best claim to the Scottish throne. Baliol, however, might rule under him, he said. But Baliol did not prove obedient enough to please him, so Edward carried him and the famous Stone of Scone off to London together. The Scotch prized the Stone highly. They had a tradition that Ja'cob's head had rested upon it the night that he had his dream of angels ascending and descending between heaven and earth; and whenever a Scotch king was to be crowned, he always took his seat upon this stone. Edward had it put underneath the seat of the chair in West'min-ster Ab'bey, in which English sovereigns sit at their coronation; and perhaps he thought that Scotland had yielded, and there would be no more trouble. On the contrary, it was only a little while before William Wallace led the Scotch against the English and defeated them in a great battle. Soon after this, however, he fell into the hands of Edward and was put to death.
![]() Edward I. |
In a few years the Scots found a new leader. This was the grandson of Robert Bruce, and his name, too, was Robert Bruce. He was crowned King of Scotland, and the Scots flocked to his standard. Then came Edward with a large force, and soon the King of Scotland was hiding first in the Gram'pi-an Hills, then on a little island at the north of Ireland. He was almost in despair, for he had tried six times to get the better of the English and had failed. One day, it is said, he lay in a lonely hut on a heap of straw, wondering if it would not be better to give it up and leave Scotland to herself. Just then he caught sight of a spider trying to swing itself from one rafter to another. Six times it tried, and six times it failed. "Just as many times as I have failed," thought Bruce, and he said to himself, "If it tries again and succeeds, I, too, will try again." The spider tried again and it succeeded. Bruce tried again, and he, too, succeeded. Edward died, and before his son Edward II was ready to attend to matters in Scotland, Bruce had captured most of the castles that Edward I had taken and had brought an army together.
![]() Coronation Chair with Stone of Scone. |
When Edward was at last ready to march into Scotland, some two or three years later, he came with a large force. Bruce met him with one only one third as large, but every man in it was bent upon doing his best to drive away the English. Bruce dug deep pits in front of his lines. Many of the English cavalry plunged into them and were slain, and the rest were thrown out of order. Then as the English troops looked at the hill lying to the right of the Scottish army, they saw a new army coming over the crest. It was really only the servants and wagons and camp followers; but Bruce had given them plenty of banners, and the English supposed they were fresh troops. Then King Edward and his men ran away as fast as they could; but the Scotch pursued, and the king barely escaped being made a prisoner. This was the battle of Ban'nock-burn, the most bloody defeat that the English ever met in Scotland. The victory of the Scotch freed Scotland from all English claims; and a few years later England acknowledged her independence.
![]() Battle of Bannockburn. |
It was of this battle that the great Scotch poet, Robert Burns, wrote:—
Scots, wha hae wi' Wallace bled, Scots, wham Bruce has aften led; Welcome to your gory bed, Or to victory! Now 's the day, and now's the hour; See the front o' battle lour; See approach proud Edward's power— Chains and slavery! Wha will be a traitor knave? Wha can fill a coward's grave? Wha sae base as be a slave? Let him turn and flee! Wha for Scotland's king and law Freedom's sword will strongly draw, Freeman stand, or Freeman fa', Let him follow me! By oppression's woes and pains! By your sons in servile chains! We will drain our dearest veins, But they shall be free! Lay the proud usurpers low! Tyrants fall in every foe! Liberty's in every blow!— Let us do, or die! |
In 1707, however, England and Scotland were peacefully united under the name of Great Britain.
Who shall hold the Scottish throne?—King Edward's decision. — The Stone of Scone. — Wallace. — Bruce and the spider. — The battle of Bannockburn. — The poem of Burns upon this battle.