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"Clear the land of evil, drive the road and bridge the ford." — Kipling |
HE occupation of Khartum was followed by a strange incident. Some
The French were already the largest
The west coast of Africa calls up a vision of old Hanno,
the Carthaginian, seeking colonies for the
A curious story is connected with this name. One day, some early European traders asked the black natives where they got the gold, which they offered for sale on the coast.
"From Jenne," they replied, naming an inland town on the banks of the Niger.
So the name was given to the coast of Guinea, and indirectly to a British coin, struck from the first piece of gold that came from here.
Low-lying and unhealthy is this West African coast, upon which great Atlantic rollers thunder unceasingly, fringing the shore with boiling surf, which makes landing difficult and dangerous. Inland, is a thickly wooded and well-watered land, with an unlimited wealth of gold and a deadly climate for Europeans.
Nevertheless many Europeans live there, and a glance at the map will show, how quaintly their colonies are
wedged in together. The mouth of the Senegal river is French, the mouth of the Gambia is English. Portuguese
and French Guinea divide Gambia from her sister colony
of Sierra Leone, some
It would take too long to tell the story of each of these English Crown Colonies—Gambia, Sierra Leone, the Gold Coast, Lagos, and Nigeria. Sierra Leone, or the Mountains of the Lion, has been called the "White Man's Grave"; but indeed the whole of this coast is fever-stricken, and many a white man has gone, never to return from this beautiful and deadly region. Perhaps the majority have perished in the Gold Coast, where in 1874 the presence of British soldiers was necessary to put down the warrior tribe of Ashantis, who occupied the hinterland and resented the white men's possession of the Gold Coast. After many attempts in past years to drive out the English, the whole Ashanti army marched to the invasion of the colony, under their great black King Koffee.
"I will carry my golden stool to Cape Coast Castle, and there wash it in English blood," said the King of the Ashantis.
The guns at Cape Coast Castle saved the town, but it was necessary to take some severe measures, if the colony
were to be saved from these savage warriors. So
On January 31, the battle began. For some hours the position was shelled by British guns and
rockets, and the position finally carried by the Highlanders, who swept forwards, with their bagpipes playing
the while. Then the whole Ashanti army turned and fled in the wildest disorder towards Kumassi. The ground was
strewn with traces of their flight: umbrellas, drums, muskets, and dying men strewed the line of their retreat.
The king himself, who had watched the battle seated on his golden stool, under a red umbrella, fled with the
rest. They were pursued by the British to Kumassi. In vain did the black men offer human sacrifices, after
their ignorant custom: the king had disappeared, and nothing remained but to set on fire his savage capital and
make peace. The campaign had been a brilliant success, and for the moment it seemed as if Ashanti power were at
an end. But it was not so. Kumassi was soon rebuilt; a new king, Prempeh, inherited the golden stool or throne
of Ashanti, and continued human sacrifices, interfered with British trade, and failed to carry out the terms of
the treaty. Once more,
But the latest addition to the West African colonies is Nigeria, the land watered by the mighty Niger, explored
in the eighteenth century by Mungo Park.
Two men, Denham and Clapperton, had taken up his incomplete work. Crossing the great desert from Tripoli, they
struck the Niger, wandered over the Houssa States and the shores of Lake Chad, reached Sokoto, and drew aside
the veil of the French Sudan for the first time. Clapperton died of fever at Sokoto, and his servant, Richard
Lander, undertook to carry on his work. After many adventures, he reached the mouth of the Niger in 1830, and
the thunder of the surf upon the shore convinced him, that the mystery of the Niger was solved at last. The
Niger was mostly discovered by British enterprise, but its possession by England
Goldie had travelled much in the country: he had seen the tyranny of the slave trade, the barbarism of the
natives, the terrors of human sacrifices, and he knew that England must reclaim and administer this unhappy
country of the blacks. Here is the story of one district.
"Beware and take care of the Bight of Benin, Whence few come out though many go in," |
sang the sailors of olden times.
Now the abolition of the slave trade had infuriated the cruel king of Benin, who swore eternal hatred to all Europeans and closed his door to their trade. In the year 1897, an English mission started for Benin City, to try and induce the king to open his country to their traders; but before ever they reached the city a shot rang through the air, and all save two were massacred in cold blood by orders of the king. A punitive expedition followed this treachery, and Englishmen made their way to the city to find a condition of affairs that defies description; in every direction they found crucified bodies, the remains of human sacrifices, heads and skulls. There was nothing to do, but to set fire to this City of Blood, from which the king had already fled. It was time for this country to be placed under some civilised state, and in 1900 England announced her protectorate over Nigeria.
To that country she has brought civilisation and progress, peace and, justice, carrying out those principles, which alone justify annexation.