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A FOX went prowling about a farmyard, not seeing a trap which the farmer had hidden there to catch him. Snap! went the trap, and the Fox found himself held fast by a strong cord. He howled horribly and was almost beside himself with rage.
A Cock, hearing the noise, flew to the top of the fence. Looking over, he saw the Fox and was terribly frightened — not daring to go near him, even when he found that his old enemy could not move. But he could not refrain from giving an exulting crow.
The Fox, looking up, said: "Dear Mr. Cock, you see how unlucky I have been, and all because I came here to inquire after your health. Do please help me to break this string, or at least do not let any one know that I am caught until I have time to gnaw it with my teeth.
The Cock said nothing, but went as fast as he could and told his master all about it. So the crafty Fox was served as the Cock thought he deserved to be.