Horace Elisha Scudder

The Cat, the Weasel, and the Young Rabbit

There was once a young Rabbit, a quiet, peace-loving Rabbit. He lived in a neat house, and made no trouble for any one. But one day he went to market to buy some parsley. A Weasel came slyly by and saw the little house. He slipped in and made himself at home. It was a good place to stay in, and there he meant to stay. By and by the Rabbit came home, and saw the Weasel at the window.

"Do you know that this is my house?" the Rabbit asked.

"Pooh, pooh!" said the Weasel, "what makes it yours? You only dug in the ground a little, and came in here where the earth was gone. Do you think you own the earth?"

"The law gives it to me," said the Rabbit, "because I made it fit to live in. If you do not leave, I will call the police."

"The law, indeed!" said the Weasel; "and what right has the law to give away land? But we will have no more words. We will lay the matter before the Cat, and leave it to him."

"Very well," said the young Rabbit, and they went to find the Cat,—an old, wise, and strong Cat.

"Come nearer my children," said the Cat, as they both began to talk at the same time. "I am very deaf; nearer, for I wish to hear every word."


They came close to the Cat, each talking loudly. But as soon as the Cat had them within reach, he darted his claws out of each side, and held them both fast. First he made way with the young rabbit, next with the Weasel; and then the house belonged to him.