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NE warm day in winter, when some of the
"Fine weather!" said every Muskrat to his neighbor. "Couldn't sleep all of such a day as this." They spoke in that way, you know, because they usually sleep in the daytime and are awake at night.
"We wish it would always be warm weather," said the young Muskrats. "What's the use of winter?"
"Hard to tell," answered one Muskrat, who had lived in
the marsh longer than the rest. "Hard to tell: I know
it always gives me a good appetite, though." Then all
the Muskrats laughed. They were a jolly,
Perhaps if the Wild Ducks and the Mud Hens were raising their families in the winter time it might be different, for then the Muskrats get hungry enough to eat almost anything. In spring and summer, when they can find fresh grasses and young rushes, or a few parsnips, carrots, and turnips from the farmers' fields, other animals are quite safe. In the winter they live mostly on roots.
"Fine day!" screamed the Gulls, as they swept through the air. "Pity the Frogs don't come out to enjoy it!"
"Yes, great pity," chuckled the old Muskrat. "How glad
you would be to see them!" He smiled all around his
little mouth and showed his gnawing teeth. He knew
that the Frogs were better off asleep in the mud at the
bottom of the pond, than they would be sitting in the
sunshine with a few hungry
Gulls above them. The Turtles were sleeping all
winter, too, in the banks of the pond. The Eels were
lying at the bottom, stupid and drowsy, and somewhere
Fifteen young Muskrats, all brothers and sisters, and all born the summer before, started off to look at the old home where they were children together. That is to say, they were not all there at once, but there were five born early in the season; and when they were old enough to look out for themselves, five more came to live in the old nest; and when these were old enough to leave the nest, another five were born.
It doesn't mean so much to Muskrats to be brothers and sisters as it does to some people, still they remembered that they were related, and they played more with each other than with those young Muskrats who were only their cousins or friends. Their mother was very proud of them, and loved to watch them running round on their short legs, and to hear them slap their long, scaly tails on the water when they dove. They had short, downy fur, almost black on the back, soft gray underneath, and a reddish brown everywhere else. There was very little fur on their tails or on their feet, and those parts were black.
These fifteen children had been fairly well brought up,
but you can see that their mother had many cares; so it
is not strange if they sometimes behaved badly. In
some other families, where there were only nine or ten
babies all the season, they had been brought up more
strictly. Like all young Muskrats, they were full of
fun, and there were few pleasanter sights than to see
them frolicking on a warm moonlight evening, when they
looked like brown balls rolling and bounding around on
the shore or plunging into the water. If they had all
been exactly the same age, it would have been even
pleasanter, for the oldest five would put on airs and
call the others "the children"; and the next five would
call the youngest five "babies"; although they were all
well grown. There was no chance for the youngest five
to call other Muskrats "babies," so when they were warm
and well fed and
When they got to talking so and their mother heard it, she would say, "Now, children!" in such a way that they had to stop. Their father sometimes slapped them with his tail. Teasing is not so very bad, you know, although it is dreadfully silly, but when people begin by teasing they sometimes get to saying things in earnest—even really hateful, mean things. And that was what made the Muskrat father and mother stop it whenever they could.
Now the whole fifteen crowded around the old summer home, and some of them went in one way, and some of them went in another, for every Muskrat's summer house has several burrows leading to it. When they reached the old nest at the end, all of them tried to get in at once, and they pushed each other around with their broad little heads, scrambled and clutched and held on with their strong little feet. Five of them said, "It's our turn first. We're the oldest." And five more said, "Well, it's our turn next anyway, 'cause we're next oldest." The others said, "You might give up to us, because we're the youngest."
They pushed and scrambled some more, and one of the
youngest children said to one of the oldest, "Well, I
don't care. I'm just as big as you are" (which was
so). And the older one answered back,
"Well, you're not
Then part of the brothers and sisters took sides with one, and part took sides with the other. What had been a lovely frolic became an unpleasant, disgraceful quarrel, and they said such things as these:
"Who's making any more fuss than you, I'd like to know?"
"Oh, yes. You're big enough, but you're just as homely as you can be. So there!"
"Quit poking me!"
"You slapped your tail on my back!"
"I'm going to tell on you fellows!"
"I dare you to!"
"Won't you catch it though!"
And many more things which were even worse. Think of
it. Fifteen young Muskrats who really loved each
other, talking like that because they couldn't decide
whether the oldest or the youngest or the
Just as they had become very hot and angry, they heard their mother's voice say, "Now, children!" but they were too much excited to mind, and they did not stop until their father came and slapped them with his tail. Then they kept still and listened to their mother. She told them that they should leave the place at once, and not one of them should even set foot in the old nest. "Suppose somebody had gotten hurt," she said. This made the young Muskrats look very sober, for they knew that the Muskrat who is hurt in winter never gets well.
After she had let them think about this for a while, she said, "I shall punish you all for this." Then there was no quarrel among her children to see who should have the first turn—not at all.
One young Muskrat said, "Aren't you going to let us play any more?"
"Yes," said she. "I shall let you play all the rest of
the day, but I shall choose the games. The oldest five
will play
The young Muskrats looked at each other sorrowfully. They thought it sounded very much the same as being sent to bed for being naughty. They did not dare say anything, for they knew that, although their mother was gentle, as Muskrats are most of the time, she could be very severe. So they went away quietly to play what she had told them they must. But it was not much fun to play those games when all the others were having a fine time in the sunshine.
There were nine of the young Muskrats who did not tease any after that. Even the other six were more careful.