Clara Dillingham Pierson
HEN the Crows who have been away for the winter return
to the forest, all their relatives gather on the
tree-tops to welcome them and tell the news. Those who
have been away have also much to say, and it sometimes
seems as though they were all talking at once. They
spend many days in visiting before they begin
nest-building. Perhaps if they would
take turns
and not interrupt each other, they would get the news
more quickly, for when people are interrupted they can
never talk well. Sometimes, too, one hungry fellow
will fly off for a few mouthfuls of grain, and get back
just in time to hear the end of a story. Then he will
want to hear the first part of it, and make such a fuss
that they have to tell it all over again just for him.
At this time in the spring, you can hear their chatter
and laughter, even when you are far away; and the
song-birds of the forest look at each other and say, "Dear
me! The Crows are back." They have very good
reasons for disliking the Crows, as any Robin will tell
There was one great shining black Crow who had the
loudest voice of all, and who was not at all afraid to
use it. This spring he looked very lean and lank, for
it had been a long, cold winter, and he had found but
little to eat, acorns, the seeds of
the wild
plants, and once in a great while a frozen apple that
hung from its branch in some lonely orchard.
He said that he felt as though he could reach around
his body with one claw, and when a Crow says that he
feels exceedingly thin. But now spring was here, and
his sisters and his cousins and his aunts, yes, and his
brothers and his uncles, too, had returned to the
forest to live. He had found two good dinners already,
all that he could eat and more too, and he began to
feel happy and bold. The purple gloss on his feathers
grew brighter every day, and he was glad to see this.
He wanted to look so handsome that a certain Miss Crow,
a sister of one of his friends, would like him better
than she did any of the others.
That was all very well, if he had been at all polite
about it. But one day he saw her visiting with another
Crow, and he lost his temper, and flew at him, and
him about the head and shoulders, and tore
the long fourth feather from one of his wings, besides
rumpling the rest of his coat. Then he went away. He
had beaten him by coming upon him from behind, like the
sneak that he was, and he was afraid that if he waited
he might yet get the drubbing he deserved. So he flew
off to the top of a hemlock-tree where the other Crows
were, and told them how he had fought and beaten. You
should have seen him swagger around when he told it.
Each time it was a bigger story, until at last he made
them think that the other Crow
hadn't a tail feather
The next day, a number of Crows went to a farm not far
from the forest. Miss Crow was in the party. On their
way they stopped in a field where there stood a figure
of a man with a dreadful stick in his hand. Everybody
was frightened except Mr. Crow. He wanted to show how
much courage he had, so he flew right up to it.
They all thought him very brave. They
didn't know that
down in his heart he was a great coward. He
wasn't afraid
of this figure because he knew all about it. He
had seen it put up the day before, and he knew that
there was no man under the big straw hat and the
flapping coat. He knew that, instead of a thinking,
breathing person, there was only a stick nailed to a
pole. He knew that, instead of having two good legs
with which to run, this figure had only the end of a
pole stuck into the ground.
Of course, he might have told them all, and then they
could have gathered corn from the broken ground around,
but he didn't want to do that. Instead, he said, "Do
you see that terrible great creature with a stick in
his hand? He is here just to drive us away, but he
dares not touch me. He knows I would beat him if he
did." Then he flew down, and ate corn close beside the
figure, while the other
Crows stood back and cawed
with wonder.
When he went back to them, he said to Miss Crow, "You
see how brave I am. If I were taking care of anybody,
nothing could ever harm her." And he looked tenderly
at her with his little round eyes. But she pretended
not to understand what he meant, for she did not wish
to give up her pleasant life with the flock and begin
nest-building just yet.
When they reached the barn-yard, there was rich
picking, and Mr. Crow made such a clatter that you
would have thought he owned it all and that the others
were only his guests. He flew down on the fence beside
a couple of harmless Hens, and he flapped his wings and
swaggered around until they began to sidle away. Then
he grew bolder
(you know bullies always do if they find
that people are scared), and edged up to them until
they fluttered off, squawking with alarm.
Next he walked into the Hen-house, saying to the
other Crows, "You might have a good time, too, if you
were not such cowards." He had no more than gotten the
words out of his bill, when the door of the Hen-house
blew shut and caught there. It was a grated door and
he scrambled wildly to get through the openings. While
he was trying, he heard the hoarse voice of the Crow
whom he had beaten the day before, saying, "Thank you,
we are having a fairly good time as it is"; and he saw
Miss Crow picking daintily at some corn which the
speaker had scratched up for her.
At that minute the great Black Brahma Cock came up
behind Mr. Crow. He had heard from the Hens how rude
Mr. Crow had been, and he thought that as the head of
the house he ought to see about it. Well! one cannot
say very much about what happened next, but the Black
Brahma Cock did see about it quite thoroughly,
when the Hen-house door swung open, it was a limp,
ragged, and meek-looking Crow who came out, leaving
many of his feathers inside.
The next morning Mr. Crow flew over the forest and far
away. He did not want to go back there again. He
heard voices as he passed a tall tree by the edge of
the forest. Miss Crow was out with the Crow whom he
had beaten, and they were looking for a good place in
which to build. "I don't think they will know me if
they see me," said Mr. Crow, "and I am sure that I
don't want them to."