Charlotte Mason

How All Things Praise the Lord

Sun, moon, and stars, by day and night,

At God's commandment give us light;

And when we wake, and while we sleep,

Their watch, like guardian angels, keep.

The bright blue sky above our head,

The soft green earth on which we tread,

The ocean rolling round the land,

Were made by God's almighty hand.

Sweet flowers that hill and dale adorn,

Fair fruit trees, fields of grass and corn,

The clouds that rise, the showers that fall,

The winds that blow—God sent them all.

The beasts that graze with downward eye,

The birds that perch, and sing, and fly,

The fishes swimming in the sea,

God's creatures are as well as we.

But us He formed for better things,

As servants of the King of kings,

With lifted hands and open face,

And thankful heart to seek His grace.
