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"Oh, tell me, pretty river, Whence do thy waters flow? And whither art thou roaming, So smoothly and so slow?" "My birthplace was the mountain, My nurse the April showers; My cradle was a fountain, O'er-curtained by wild flowers. "One morn I ran away, A madcap, noisy rill; And many a prank that day I played adown the hill! "And then 'mid meadowy banks, I flirted with the flowers, That stooped with glowing lips To woo me to their bowers. "But these bright scenes are o'er, And darkly flows my wave; I hear the ocean's And there must be my grave!" |
Where have you seen a river like the one spoken of in the poem? Are rivers born? What is meant by "My nurse the April showers"? "I flirted with the flowers"? Explain the last stanza.