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A T another time Harald asked:
"What is your country, Olaf? Have you always been a thrall?"
The thrall's eyes flashed.
"When you are a man," he said, "and go
" 'You are all grown to be men. There is not
"He had three ships. These he gave to three of my brothers. But I stayed that spring and built me a boat. I made her for only twenty oars because I thought few men would follow me; for I was young, fifteen years old. I made her in the likeness of a dragon. At the prow I carved the head with open mouth and forked tongue thrust out. I painted the eyes red for anger.
" 'There, stand so!' I said, 'and glare and hiss at my foes.'
"In the stern I curved the tail up almost as high as the head. There I put the pilot's seat and a strong tiller for the rudder. On the breast and sides I carved the dragon's scales. Then I painted it all black and on the tip of every scale I put gold. I called her 'Waverunner.' There she sat on the rollers, as fair a ship as I ever saw.
"The night that it was finished I went to my father's
feast. After the meats were eaten and the
"But others jumped to their feet with their
"On the next morning we got into my dragon and started. I sat high in the pilot's seat. As our boat flashed down the rollers into the water I made this song and sang it:
" 'The dragon runs. Where will she steer? Where swords will sing, Where spears will bite, Where I shall laugh.' |
"So we harried the coast of Norway. We ate at many men's tables uninvited. Many men we found overburdened with gold. Then I said:
"Oh! it is better to live on the sea and let other men raise your crops and cook your meals. A house smells of smoke, a ship smells of frolic. From a house you see a sooty roof, from a ship you see Valhalla.
"Up and down the water we went to get much wealth and much frolic. After a while my men said:
" 'Not yet,' I answered. 'Viking is better for summer. When the ice comes, and our dragon cannot play, then we will get our farm and sit down.'
"At last the winter came, and I said to my men:
" 'Now for the farm. I have my eye on one up the coast a way in King Halfdan's country.'
"So we set off for it. We landed late at night and pulled our boat up on shore and walked quietly to the house. It was rather a wealthy farm, for there were tables and a storehouse and a smithy at the sides of the house. There was but one door to the house. We went to it, and I struck it with my spear.
" 'Hello! Ho! Hello!' I shouted, and my men made a great din.
"At last some one from inside said:
" 'Who calls?'
" 'I call,' I answered. 'Open! or you will think it Thor who calls,' and I struck my shield against the door so that it made a great clanging.
![]() "I struck my shield against the door so that it made a great clanging." |
"The door opened only a little, but I pushed it wide and leaped into the room. It was so dark that I could see nothing but a few sparks on the hearth. I stood with my back to the wall; for I wanted no sword reaching out of the dark for me.
" 'Now start up the fire,' I said.
" 'Come, come!' I called, when no one obeyed. 'A fire! This is cold welcome for your guests.'
"My men laughed.
" 'Yes, a stingy host! He acts as though he had not expected us.'
"But now the farmer was blowing on the coals and putting on fresh wood. Soon it blazed up, and we could see about us. We were in a little feast hall, with its fire down in the middle of it. There were benches for twenty men along each side. The farmer crouched by the fire, afraid to move. On a bench in a far corner were a dozen people huddled together.
" 'Ho, thralls!' I called to them. 'Bring in the table. We are hungry.'
"Off they ran through a door at the back of the hall. My men came in and lay down by the fire and warmed themselves, but I set two of them as guards at the door.
" 'Well, friend farmer,' laughed one, 'why such a long face? Do you not think we shall be merry company?'
" 'We came only to cheer you,' said another. 'What man wants to spend the winter with no guests?'
" 'Ah!' another then cried out, sitting up. 'Here comes something that will be a welcome guest to my stomach.'
"The thralls were bringing in a great pot of meat. They
set up a crane over the fire and hung the pot upon it,
and we sat and watched it boil while we joked. At last
the supper began. The farmer sat gloomily on the bench
and would not
eat, and you cannot wonder; for he saw us
putting potfuls of his good beef and
" 'You would not eat with us. You cannot say no to half of my ale. I drink this to your health.'
"Then I drank half of the hornful and sent the rest across the fire to the farmer. He took it and smiled, saying:
" 'Since it is to my health, I will drink it. I thought that all this night's work would be my death.'
" 'Oh, do not fear that!' I laughed, 'for a dead man sets no tables.'
"So we drank and all grew merrier. At last I stood up and said:
" 'I like this little taste of your hospitality, friend farmer. I have decided to accept more of it.'
"My men roared with laughter.
" 'Come,' they cried, 'thank him for that, farmer. Did you ever have such a lordly guest before?'
"I went on:
" 'Now there is no fun in having guests unless they keep you company and make you merry. So I will give out this law: that my men shall never leave you alone. Hakon there shall be your constant companion, friend farmer. He shall not leave you day or night, whether you are working or playing or sleeping. Leif and Grim shall be the same kind of friends to your two sons.'
"I named nine others and said:
" 'And these shall follow your thralls in the same way. Now, am I not careful to make your time go merrily?'
"So I set guards over every one in that house. Not once all that winter did they stir out of sight of some of us. So no tales got out to the neighbors. Besides, it was a lonely place, and by good luck no one came that way. Oh! that was fat and easy living.
"Well, after we had been there for a long time, Hakon came in to the feast one night and said:
" 'I heard a cuckoo
" 'It is the call to go
"All my men put their hands to their mouths and shouted. Their eyes danced. Big Thorleif stood up and stretched himself.
" 'I am stiff with long sitting,' he said. 'I itch for a fight.'
"I turned to the farmer.
" 'This is our last feast with you,' I said.
" 'Well,' he laughed, 'this has been the busiest winter I ever spent, and the merriest. May good luck go with you!'
" 'By the beard of Odin!' I cried; 'you have taken our joke like a man.'
"My men pounded the table with their fists.
" 'By the hammer of Thor!' shouted Grim. 'Here is no
stingy coward. He is a man fit to carry my
"Then all my men poured around that farmer and clapped him on the shoulder and piled things upon him, saying:
" 'Here is a ring for Sif the Friendly.'
" 'And here is a bracelet.'
" 'A sword would not be ashamed to hang at your side.'
"I took five great bracelets of gold from our treasure chest and gave them to him.
"The old man's eyes opened wide at all these things, and at the same time he laughed.
" 'May Odin send me such guests every winter!' he said.
"Early next morning we shook hands with our host and boarded the 'Waverunner' and sailed off.
" 'Where shall we go?' my men asked.
" 'Let the gods decide,' I said, and tossed up my spear.
"When it fell on the deck it pointed
" 'Here,' they said, 'is a rascal who has been harrying our coasts. We sunk his ship and men, but him we brought to you.'
" 'A robber viking?' said the king, and scowled at me.
"I threw back my head and laughed.
" 'Yes. And with all your fingers it took you a year to catch me.'
"The king frowned more angrily.
" 'Saucy, too?' he said. 'Well, thieves must die. Take him out, Thorkel, and let him taste your sword.'
"Your mother, the queen, was standing by. Now she put her hand on his arm and smiled and said:
" 'He is only a lad. Let him live. And would he not be a good gift for our baby?'
"Your father thought a moment, then looked at your mother and smiled.
" 'Soft heart!' he said gently to her; then to Thorkel, 'Well, let him go, Thorkel!'
"Then he turned to me again, frowning.
" 'But, young sharp-tongue, now that we have caught you we will put you into a trap that you cannot get out of. Weld an iron collar on his neck.'
"So I lived and now am your tooth thrall. Well, it is the luck of war. But by the chair of Odin, I kept my vow!"
"Yes!" cried Harald, jumping to his feet. "And had a joke into the bargain. Ah! sometime I will make a brave vow like that."