Franklin T. Baker


The Little Ant

There was once a little ant

      that was going to Jerusalem.

She met the snow.

The snow cracked the paw

      of the little ant

      that was going to Jerusalem.

"O snow, how strong you are

      to crack the paw

      of the little ant

      that is going to Jerusalem!"

And the snow spoke and said,

      "The sun that melts me

      is stronger than I am."

"O sun, how strong you are,

      to melt the snow,

      that cracks the

      paw of the little ant

      that is going to Jerusalem!"

And the sun spoke and said,

      "The cloud that hides me

      is stronger than I am."

"O cloud, how strong you are,

      to hide the sun,

      that melts the snow,

      that cracks the paw

      of the little ant

      that is going to Jerusalem!"

And the cloud said,

      "The wind that drives me away

      is stronger than I am."

"O wind, how strong you are,

      to drive away the cloud,

      that hides the sun,

      that melts the snow,

      that cracks the paw

      of the little ant

      that is going to Jerusalem!"

And the wind said,

      "The mountain that stops me

      is stronger than I am."

"O mountain, how strong you are

      to stop the wind,

      that drives away the cloud,

      that hides the sun,

      that melts the snow,

      that cracks the paw

      of the little ant

      that is going to Jerusalem!"

And the mountain said,

      "The mouse that bores through me

      is stronger than I am."

"O mouse, how strong you are,

      to bore through the mountain,

      that stops the wind,

      that drives away the cloud,

      that hides the sun,

      that melts the snow,

      that cracks the paw

      of the little ant

      that is going to Jerusalem!"

And the mouse said,

      "The cat that eats me

      is stronger than I am."


"O cat, how strong you are,

      to eat the mouse,

      that bores through the mountain,

      that stops the wind,

      that drives away the cloud,

      that hides the sun,

      that melts the snow,

      that cracks the paw

      of the little ant

      that is going to Jerusalem!"

And the cat said,

      "The dog that chases me

      is stronger than I am."

"O dog, how strong you are,

      to chase the cat,

      that eats the mouse,

      that bores through the mountain,

      that stops the wind,

      that drives away the cloud,

      that hides the sun,

      that melts the snow,

      that cracks the paw

      of the little ant

      that is going to Jerusalem!"

And the dog said,

      "The stick that beats me

      is stronger than I am."

"O stick, how strong you are,

      to beat the dog,

      that chases the cat,

      that eats the mouse,

      that bores through the mountain,

      that stops the wind,

      that drives away the cloud,

      that hides the sun,

      that melts the snow,

      that cracks the paw

      of the little ant

      that is going to Jerusalem!"

And the stick said,

      "The fire that burns me

      is stronger than I am."


"O fire, how strong you are,

      to burn the stick,

      that beats the dog,

      that chases the cat,

      that eats the mouse,

      that bores through the mountain,

      that stops the wind,

      that drives away the cloud,

      that hides the sun,

      that melts the snow,

      that cracks the paw

      of the little ant

      that is going to Jerusalem!"

And the fire said,

      "The water that puts me out

      is stronger than I am."

"O water, how strong you are,

      to put out the fire,

      that burns the stick,

      that beats the dog,

      that chases the cat,

      that eats the mouse,

      that bores through the mountain,

      that stops the wind,

      that drives away the cloud,

      that hides the sun,

      that melts the snow,

      that cracks the paw

      of the little ant

      that is going to Jerusalem!"

And the water said,

      "The cow that drinks me

      is stronger than I am."

"O cow, how strong you are,

      to drink the water,

      that puts out the fire,

      that burns the stick,

      that beats the dog,

      that chases the cat,

      that eats the mouse,

      that bores through the mountain,

      that stops the wind,

      that drives away the cloud,

      that hides the sun,

      that melts the snow,

      that cracks the paw

      of the little ant

      that is going to Jerusalem!


And the cow said,

      "The man that kills me

      is stronger than I am."

"O man, how strong you are,

      to kill the cow,

      that drinks the water,

      that puts out the fire,

      that burns the stick,

      that beats the dog,

      that chases the cat,

      that eats the mouse,

      that bores through the mountain,

      that stops the wind,

      that drives away the cloud,

      that hides the sun,

      that melts the snow,

      that cracks the paw

      of the little ant

      that is going to Jerusalem!"

Cary, Fairy Legends    
