Arthur Scott Bailey
Cuffy Wakes Up
AR up on the side of Blue Mountain lived Cuffy Bear
with his father and mother and his little sister
Silkie. Mr. Bear's house was quite the finest for many
miles around. It was what people call a cave, being
made entirely of stone, and so there was no danger of
its ever catching fire; and since it was built straight
into the side of the mountain the roof was so very,
very thick that Cuffy's father never had to worry for
fear a tree would fall upon his
house and hurt his
family. No matter how hard the wind blew, Mr. Bear was
never afraid of that.
Little Cuffy was not a bad bear at heart. But often
when he was playing with Silkie, his sister, he would
lose his temper and cuff her on the head and make her
cry. Then his father or his mother would cuff him.
Somehow, he never could learn not to strike out when he
became angry. That was why he was called Cuffy. It
happened sometimes that a day or two would pass without
Cuffy's cuffing his sister. And Mr. Bear
and Mrs. Bear
would begin to think that at last Cuffy had been cured
of his bad habit.
"I do believe the child is growing better mannered,"
Mrs. Bear would say to her husband, as they watched
their son and daughter playing upon the floor. And then
just as likely as not, the first thing
they knew Cuffy
would give Silkie a good, hard box on the ear, or a
slap right on the end of her nose.
But for a long time every winter Cuffy was never
naughty. You might think that that was just before
Christmas. But no—it was not then. All winter long
Cuffy was just as good as any little bear could be. He
was good because he was asleep! You see—when cold
weather came, Mr. and Mrs. Bear and their children
stayed in their cozy house, which was snug and warm,
and slept and slept and slept for weeks and weeks until
spring came.
Now, this tale begins on the very first day of spring.
And on that day Mr. Bear waked up. He rose slowly to
his feet, for his bones felt stiff because he had been
asleep for such a long time. And he was hungry—oh! very
hungry, because he
had not eaten anything for months
and months, since he went to sleep at the beginning of
He went to the door of his house and looked out. And he
saw that the weather was warm and fine. So he stepped
back into the bedroom and said—
"Ou-e-e-ee!" Just like that.
And then Mrs. Bear awaked.
"Spring has come," Mr. Bear told her, "and I am going
out to fetch something to eat. Wake up Cuffy and Silkie
and tell them that it is time to get up."
Gently Mrs. Bear roused Cuffy and Silkie.
"Come, children! Run out and play and get your lungs
full of nice, fresh air. Now, be good and don't go far
away!" she said.