Carolyn Sherwin Bailey

Chicken Little

O NCE upon a time there was a tiny little chicken whom every one called Chicken Little.

One day while she was out in the garden, where she had no right to be, a rose-leaf fell on her tail. Away she ran in great fright, for she thought the sky was falling. As she ran along she met Henny Penny.

"O Henny Penny," cried Chicken Little, "the sky is falling!"

"How do you know that?" asked Henny Penny.

"Oh, I saw it with my eyes; I heard it with my ears, and part of it fell on my tail," said Chicken Little.

"Let us run and tell the King," said Henny Penny.

So they ran along together until they met Ducky Lucky.

"O Ducky Lucky," cried Chicken Little, "the sky is falling!"

"How do you know that?" asked Ducky Lucky.

"Oh, I saw it with my eyes; I heard it with my ears, and part of it fell on my tail," said Chicken Little; "and we're going to tell the King."

"May I go, too?" asked Ducky Lucky.

"Oh, yes," said Chicken Little, and they all ran along together. Presently they met Goosey Loosey.

"O Goosey Loosey," cried Chicken Little, "the sky is falling!"

"How do you know that?" asked Goosey Loosey.

"Oh, I saw it with my eyes; I heard it with my ears, and part of it fell on my tail," said Chicken Little; "and we're going to tell the King."

"May I go, too?" asked Goosey Loosey.

"Oh, yes," said Chicken Little, and they all ran along together. Presently they met Turkey Lurkey.

"O Turkey Lurkey," cried Chicken Little, "the sky is falling!"

"How do you know that?" asked Turkey Lurkey.

"Oh, I saw it with my eyes; I heard it with my ears, and part of it fell on my tail," said Chicken Little; "and we're going to tell the King.

"May I go, too?" asked Turkey Lurkey.

"Oh, yes," said Chicken Little, and they all ran along together. Presently they met Foxy Loxy.

"O Foxy Loxy," cried Chicken Little, "the sky is falling."

"How do you know that?" asked Foxy Loxy.

"Oh, I saw it with my eyes; I heard it with my ears, and part of it fell on my tail," said Chicken Little; "and we're going to tell the King."

"Come with me," said Foxy Loxy, "and I will show you where the King lives."

So Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey and Turkey Lurkey all followed Foxy Loxy; but, oh! he led them into his den, and they never, never came out again!

— Adapted from the old folk-tale
by Clara M. Lewis