Chap. |
1. |
Primer of Indian History. Wheeler. |
Story of India. Boulger. Empire Series. |
British India. Frazer. Story of the Nations. |
Life of Akbar and Aurangzeb. Rulers of India. Ed. by Sir W. W. Hunter. |
2. |
Clive. Malleson. Rulers of India. |
Dupleix. Malleson. Rulers of India. |
Essay on Clive. Macaulay. |
3. |
Rise of the British Dominion in India. Lyall. |
4. |
America. Doyle. Macmillan's Historical Course. |
Canada. Bourinot. Story of the Nations. |
Story of Canada. Kennedy. Empire Series. |
Evangeline. (Poem.) Longfellow. |
5. |
George Washington. Washington Irving. |
George Washington. Johnston. Great Commanders Series. |
George Washington. Lodge. American Statesmen Series. |
The Virginians. (Fiction.) Thackeray. |
6. |
William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, and the Growth and Division of the British Empire. 1708-1778. Green. Heroes of the Nations. |
Short History of the English People. Greene. |
7. |
Wolfe. Bradley. English Men of Action. |
The Fight with France for North America. Bradley. |
Canada under British Rule. 1760-1900. Bourinot. Cambridge Historical Series. |
Montcalm and Wolfe. Parkman. |
9. |
United States of America. 1765-1865. Channing. Cambridge Historical Series. |
Short History of the United States. Justin M'Carthy. |
10. |
War of American Independence. 1775-1783. Longman's Modern History Epochs. |
11. |
Captain Cook. English Men of Action. |
Cook's Voyages. Ed. M. B. Synge. (Nelson's). |
History of the Australasian Colonies to 1893. Jenks. Cambridge Historical Series. |
12. |
Bruce and the Nile. World's Great Explorers. |
Story of Geographical Discovery. Jacobs. (Newnes). |
13. |
Warren Hastings. Trotter. Rulers of India Series. |
Warren Hastings. Essay by Macaulay. |
Burke. Morley. English Men of Letters. |
Rise of the British Dominion in India. Lyall. |
British India. Frazer. Story of the Nations. |
14. |
French Revolution. Carlyle. |
French Revolution. Gardiner. Longman's Epochs of Modern History. |
French Revolution. Mallet. University Extension Manual. |
History of Modern Europe. In 6 vols. Dyer and Hassan. Vol. v. (1789-1815). |
A Tale of Two Cities. (Fiction.) Dickens. |
18. |
Napoleon. J. H. Rose. |
Napoleon: Warrior and Ruler, and the Military Supremacy of Revolutionary France. Morris. Heroes of the Nations. |
Napoleon. Seeley. |
19. |
Nelson: Embodiment of the Sea Power of Great Britain. Mahan. |
Nelson and the Naval Supremacy of England. Clark Russell. Heroes of the Nations. |
Nelson. Southey. |
20. |
Mungo Park and the Niger. The World's Great Explorers. |
Mungo Park. Maclachlan. Famous Scots Series. |
21. |
Humboldt's Travels. |
22. |
History of Modern Europe. Dyer and Hassall. Vol. v. (1789.1815.) |
Modern Europe. Fyffe. In 1 vol. (1792-1878.) |
Lives of Nelson and Napoleon, as above. |
29. |
Wellington. Sir Herbert Maxwell. |
Wellington. Lord Roberts. |
Wellington. Hooper. English Men of Action. |
Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington. Tennyson. |
30. |
Story of South Africa. B. Worsfold. Empire Series. |
South Africa. Theal. Story of the Nations. |
31. |
Story of Australia. Flora Shaw. Empire Series. |
Admiral Arthur Phillip: the Founding of New South Wales. Builders of Greater Britain. |
History of the Australasian Colonies. Jenks. Cambridge Historical Series. |
32. |
History of Slavery and Serfdom. Ingram. |
33. |
Modern Europe. Fyffe. |
Lives of Wellington, as above. |
36. |
Austria. Story of the Nations. |
38. |
America. Doyle. Macmillan's Historical Series. |
United States of America. (1765-1865.) Channing. |
Short History of United States. J. M'Carthy. |
43. |
Life of Watt. Smiles. |
Life of Stephenson. Smiles. |
Lives of the Engineers. Smiles. Vols. iv. and v. Steam-engines and Locomotives. |
44. |
Lives of Napoleon and Wellington, as above. |
Modern Europe. Fyffe. |
History of Modern Europe. Dyer and Hassan. Vol. v. (1789-1815.) |
Vanity Fair. (Fiction.) Thackeray. |