The Book of Fables and Folk Stories by  Horace E. Scudder

The Country Maid and Her Milk-Pail

A Country Maid was walking slowly along with a pail of milk upon her head. She was saying to herself:—

"The money for which I shall sell this milk will buy me three hundred eggs. These eggs will produce at least two hundred and fifty chickens. The chickens will be fit to carry to market about Christmas, when poultry always brings a good price. By May-day I shall have money enough to buy a new gown. Let me see—green suits me; yes, it shall be green. In this dress I will go to the fair, where all the young fellows will want me for a partner. But I shall refuse every one of them." By this time she was so full of her fancy that she tossed her head proudly. Over went the pail, and all the milk was spilled on the ground.

Moral. Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.

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