More Serious Business
we lads went to our beds that night, and you
may be certain we were not allowed abroad very long
after sunset, it was said that a great gathering of the
savages was ordered to be held as soon as the Indians
from far and near could be summoned, when the
land which had been given to William Penn by the
king in payment of a debt due Admiral Penn, would
be bought regularly from the brown men.
It did not seem to me necessary that anything of
the kind should be done, for surely William Penn owned
the land already, having paid a very large price for
it when he wiped out the debt due by the king; but,
as father afterward explained, it was not the purpose
of our governor to deprive any man of that to which
he had reasonable shadow of claim, and because
of the Indians' having always lived here in this country
of Pennsylvania, the governor counted on making
a regular bargain with them, as if he had no right
whatsoever to it.
After so much merrymaking, it was hard to get
down to ordinary work on the next day. It seemed
to me as if we lads might be permitted to follow the
governor as he made careful inspection of the bounds
of the new city; but our fathers thought otherwise,
and I was forced to spend the time when much of
importance was being done by my elders, in helping
make a huge oven at the back of our home.