Gateway to the Classics: Through Great Britain and Ireland With Cromwell by Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall
Through Great Britain and Ireland With Cromwell by  Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall

Front Matter

[Book Cover]

[Series Page]


Cromwell as a member of Parliament.

[Title Page]

The Aim of the Series

In the teaching of Geography as in the teaching of anything, the first step is to arouse interest. But this first step is too often omitted, and Geography has come to mean to the child merely a string of difficult words associated only with points on a map, and therefore the whole subject is regarded as dry-as-dust and dreary; for names are not interesting until they mean something, and words which mean nothing are hard to remember—and of no use when they are remembered.

To the average child History is far more interesting than Geography, because it is full of human interest and tells of people  and of stirring events, while Geography tells only of things  and places. In this series we have dared to make a bold departure from old methods. Our first aim is to endeavour to breathe some of the human interest of history into geography, and by the simple plan of bringing place and event into close association  to relieve the geography lesson of some of its tedium.

Although it is not practicable for all, the best way of learning geography is to travel. Then the first thing that we do when we arrive in a town is to visit the historical places, the places where someone has done something worth remembering, and so the town is made memorable for us for ever; and other facts about it, although quite unconnected with its hero, acquire a borrowed interest, and are therefore also readily remembered. It is just this easy natural method of learning which is adopted here. The story of some great man is told in simple words. His deeds in different parts of the country are vividly described, and as we follow his movements we learn something of the country through which he passes, and incidentally pick up much valuable knowledge.

Of the method or system of the series little need be said. Indeed it is hoped it may succeed in its mission in proportion to its lack of system, and its purpose will be well served if it creates an appetite for History, Biography, and Geography, thus preparing the way for more systematic teaching.

All the volumes of the series will be written by H. E. Marshall, the author of "Our Island Story" and "Scotland's Story," whose simple and vivacious style never fails to arouse and hold the attention of children. Each volume will be illustrated by attractive coloured pictures and a number of maps.



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