The Stinkhorns
The Stinkhorns
To give a
nature-study lesson on the stinkhorn is quite out of
the question, for the odor of these strange growths is
so nauseating that even to come near to one of them in
the garden is a disagreeable experience. The reason for
mentioning them at all is because of the impression
made by them that most mushrooms are ill smelling,
which is a slander.
It is a pity that these fungi are
so offensive that we do not care to come near enough to
them to admire them, for they are most interesting in
appearance. The scientific name of our commonest genus
when translated means "the net bearers," and it is a
most appropriate name. The stout, white stem is
composed of network without and within. The outer
covering of the stem seems to tear loose from the lower
portion as the stem elongates, and is lifted so that it
hangs as a veil around the bottom of the bell-shaped
cap, which is always covered with a pitted network. The
mycelium, or spawn, of the stinkhorn consists of
strands which push their way through the ground or
through the decaying vegetable matter on which they
feed. On these strands are produced the stinkhorns,
which at first look like eggs; but later the top of the
egg is broken, and the strange horn-shaped fungus
pushes up through it. The spores are borne in the
chambers of the cap, and when ripe the substance of
these chambers dissolves into a thick liquid in which
the spores float. The flies are attracted by the fetid
odor and come to feast upon these fungi and to lay
their eggs within them, and incidentally they carry the
spores away on their brushy feet, and thus help to
spread the species.
A stinkhorn.
Photo by George F. Atkinson.